
High-speed multifocal array scanning using refractive window tilting

High-speed multifocal array scanning using refractive window tilting Tsikouras A., Berman R., Andrews, D.W. (2015). Biomedical Optics Express. 6(10):3737-3747

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A versatile cell-death screening assay using dye stained cells and multivariate image analysis

A versatile cell-death screening assay using dye stained cells and multivariate image analysis Collins T.J., Ylanko J., Geng F., and Andrews, D.W. (2015). ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies. 13(9): 547-557

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5-Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Protoporphyrin IX as a Fluorescence Marker for Quantitative Image Analysis of High-grade Dysplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus Cellular Models

5-Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Protoporphyrin IX as a Fluorescence Marker for Quantitative Image Analysis of High-grade Dysplasia in Barrett’s Esophagus Cellular Models Yeh S.A., Ling C.S.N., Andrews, D.W., Patterson M.S., Diamond K.R., Hayward J.E., Armstrong D., and Fang Q. (2015). Journal of Biomedical Optics. 20(3):036010

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Distinct Lipid Effects on tBid and Bim Activation of Membrane Permeabilization by Pro-Apoptotic Bax

Distinct Lipid Effects on tBid and Bim Activation of Membrane Permeabilization by Pro-Apoptotic Bax Shamas-Din A., Bindner S., Chi X., Leber B., Andrews, D.W., and Fradin C. (2015). Journal of Biological Chemistry. 467(3):495-505

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New insights into the targeting of a subset of tail-anchored proteins to the outer mitochondrial membrane

New insights into the targeting of a subset of tail-anchored proteins to the outer mitochondrial membrane Marty N.J., Teresinski H.J., Hwang Y.T., Clendening E.A., Gidda S.G., Sliwinska E., Zhang D., Miernyk J.A., Brito G.C., Andrews, D.W., Dyer J.M., and Mullen R.T. (2014). Front Plant Sci. 4(5):426

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Pores of no return

Pores of no return Andrews, D.W. (2014). Mol Cell. 56(4):465-466

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