
Rapid imaging of Bcl-2 family interactions in live cells using FLIM-FRET

Rapid imaging of Bcl-2 family interactions in live cells using FLIM-FRET Osterlund E.J., Hirmiz N, Tardif C, and Andrews, D.W. (2018). Methods in Molecular Biology. 1877:305-335

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Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018

Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018

Molecular mechanisms of cell death: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018 Galluzzi L. et al. (Andrews, D.W., 100+ authors) (2018). Cell Death Differ. 25(3):486-541

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BCL-2 family proteins: changing partners in the dance towards death

BCL-2 family proteins: changing partners in the dance towards death

BCL-2 family proteins: changing partners in the dance towards death Kale J., Osterlund E.J., and Andrews, D.W. (2018). Cell Death Differ. 25(1):65-80

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A small molecule inhibitor of both proapoptotic Bax and Bak oligomerization prevents genotoxic cell death and promotes neuroprotection

A small molecule inhibitor of both proapoptotic Bax and Bak oligomerization prevents genotoxic cell death and promotes neuroprotection Niu X., Brahmbhatt H., Mergenthaler P., Zhang Z., Sang J., Daude M., Ehlert F.G.R., Diederich W.E., Wong E., Zhu W., Pogmore J.P,  Nandy J.P., Satyanarayana M., Jimmidi R.K., Arya P., Leber B., Lin J., Culmsee C., Yi J., and Andrews, D.W. (2017). Cell Chemical Biology.24(4):493-506.e5

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Conformational Heterogeneity of Bax Helix 9 Dimer for Apoptotic Pore Formation

Conformational Heterogeneity of Bax Helix 9 Dimer for Apoptotic Pore Formation

Conformational Heterogeneity of Bax Helix 9 Dimer for Apoptotic Pore Formation Liao C., Zhang Z., Kale J., Andrews, D.W., and Lin J, Li J. (2016). Sci Rep. 6:29502

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Evidence Implicating Immunological Host Effects in the Efficacy of Metronomic Low-Dose Chemotherapy

Evidence Implicating Immunological Host Effects in the Efficacy of Metronomic Low-Dose Chemotherapy Shaked Y., Pham E., Hariharan S., Magidey K., Beyar-Katz O., Xu P., Man S., Wu F.T., Miller V., Andrews, D.W., and Kerbel R.S. (2016). Cancer Res. 76(20):5983-5993

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