
Membrane Binding by tBid Initiates an Ordered Series of Events Culminating in Membrane Permeabilization by Bax

Membrane Binding by tBid Initiates an Ordered Series of Events Culminating in Membrane Permeabilization by Bax

Membrane Binding by tBid Initiates an Ordered Series of Events Culminating in Membrane Permeabilization by Bax Volume 135, Issue 6, 12 December 2008, Pages 1074-1084 Jonathan F.Lovell1Lieven P.Billen1ScottBindner1AishaShamas-Din1CecileFradin12BrianLeber13David W.Andrews

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Still embedded together binding to membranes regulates Bcl-2 protein interactions

Leber B., Lin J. and Andrews, D.W., Still Embedded Together-binding to membranes regulates Bcl-2 protein interactions. (2010) Oncogene, 29:5221-30.

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Membrane binding by tBid initiates an ordered series of events culminating in membrane permeabilization by Bax

Lovell, J.F., Billen, L.P., Bindner, S., Shamas-Din, A., Fradin, C., Leber, B., and Andrews, D.W., Membrane Binding by tBid Initiates an Ordered Series of Events Culminating in Membrane Permeabilization by Bax. (2008) Cell, 135:1074-84. [Featured in Research Highlights, Nature Chemical Biology. February 2009, 5:80-81, in Faculty of 1000 Biology:, and in Leading Edge Previews, Cell. 135:1004-06, December 2008.]

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Unleashing Blocked Apoptosis in Cancer Cells: New MCL1 Inhibitors Find Their Groove

Unleashing Blocked Apoptosis in Cancer Cells: New MCL1 Inhibitors Find Their Groove

Leber, B., Kale, J., Andrews, D.W. Unleashing Blocked Apoptosis in Cancer Cells: New MCL1 Inhibitors Find Their Groove. (2018) Cancer Discovery. 8(12):1511-1514. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-18-1167.

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High-content screening identifies kinase inhibitors that overcome venetoclax resistance in activated CLL cells

Oppermann S., Ylanko J., Shi Y., Hariharan S., Oakes C.C., Brauer P.M., Zuniga-Pflucker J.C., Leber B., Spaner D.E., and Andrews, D.W., High-content screening identifies kinase inhibitors that overcome venetoclax resistance in activated CLL cells. (2016) Blood. 128(7):934-947. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-12-687814.

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