
Mechanisms of action of Bcl-2 family proteins

Mechanisms of action of Bcl-2 family proteins

Shamas-Din A., Kale J., Leber B., and Andrews, D.W., Mechanisms of action of Bcl-2 family proteins. (2013) Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives In Biology, 5(4):a008714. (Review)

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High-content screening identifies kinase inhibitors that overcome venetoclax resistance in activated CLL cells

High-content screening identifies kinase inhibitors that overcome venetoclax resistance in activated CLL cells

Oppermann S., Ylanko J., Shi Y., Hariharan S., Oakes C.C., Brauer P.M., Zuniga-Pflucker J.C., Leber B., Spaner D.E., and Andrews, D.W., High-content screening identifies kinase inhibitors that overcome venetoclax resistance in activated CLL cells. (2016) Blood. 128(7):934-947. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-12-687814.

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A small-molecule inhibitor of Bax and Bak oligomerization prevents genotoxic cell death and promotes neuroprotection

A small-molecule inhibitor of Bax and Bak oligomerization prevents genotoxic cell death and promotes neuroprotection

Niu X., Brahmbhatt H., Mergenthaler P., Zhang Z., Sang J., Daude M., Ehlert F.G.R., Diederich W.E., Wong E., Zhu W., Pogmore J.P, Nandy J.P., Satyanarayana M., Jimmidi R.K., Arya P., Leber B., Lin J., Culmsee C., Yi J., and Andrews, D.W., A small molecule inhibitor of both proapoptotic Bax and Bak oligomerization prevents genotoxic cell death and promotes neuroprotection.(2017) Cell Chemical Biology.24(4):493-506.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.chenbiol.2017.03.011.

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Shedding light on apoptosis at subcellular membranes

Shedding light on apoptosis at subcellular membranes

Andrews, D.W., Shedding Light on the Mechanisms of Action of Bcl-2 Family Proteins. Mitochondrial Dynamics and Physiology, Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States, February 19, 2014.

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BCL-2 family proteins: changing partners in the dance towards death

BCL-2 family proteins: changing partners in the dance towards death

Kale J., Osterlund E.J., and Andrews, D.W. BCL-2 family proteins: changing partners in the dance towards death. (2018) Cell Death Differ. 25(1):65-80. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2017.186. Review.

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Phosphorylation switches Bax from promoting to inhibiting apoptosis thereby increasing drug resistance

Phosphorylation switches Bax from promoting to inhibiting apoptosis thereby increasing drug resistance

Kale J., Kutuk O., Costa Brito G., Andrews T., Leber B., Letai A., and Andrews D.W. Phosphorylation switches Bax from promoting to inhibiting apoptosis increasing drug resistance. (2018) EMBO Rep. 19(9):e45235. doi: 10.15252/embr.201745235.

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