
Evidence for multiple mechanisms for membrane binding via carboxyl-terminal insertion sequences

Kim, P.K., Janiak-Spens, F., Trimble, W.S., Leber, B. and Andrews, D.W., Evidence for multiple mechanisms for membrane binding via carboxyl-terminal insertion sequences. (1997) Biochemistry, 36:8873-8882.

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Bax homodimerization is not required for Bax to accelerate chemotherapy induced cell death

Simonian, P.L., Grillot, D.A.M., Leber, B., Andrews, D.W., Nuñez, G., Bax homodimerization is not required for Bax to accelerate chemotherapy induced cell death. (1996) J. Biol. Chem., 271:32073-32077.

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The translocon: more than a hole in the ER membrane

Andrews, D.W. and Johnson, A.E., The translocon: more than a hole in the ER membrane. (1996) Trends Biochem Sci., 21:365-369.

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Bcl-2 mutants with restricted subcellular location reveal spacially distinct pathways for apoptosis in different cell types

Zhu, W., Cowie, A., Wasfy, G., Penn, L.Z., Leber, B. and Andrews, D.W., Bcl-2 mutants with restricted subcellular location reveal spacially distinct pathways for apoptosis in different cell types. (1996) EMBO J., 15:4130-4141.

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Stable binding of the herpex simplex virus ICP47 protein to the peptide binding site of TAP

Tomazin, R., Hill, A.B., Jugovic, P., York, I., van Endert, P., Ploegh, H.L., Andrews, D.W. and Johnson, D.C.,   Stable binding of the herpex simplex virus ICP47 protein to the peptide binding site of TAP.  (1996) EMBO J., 15, 3256-3266.

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The cotranslational integration of membrane proteins into the phospholipid bilayer is a multistep process

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