
Interaction with a membrane surface triggers a reversible conformational change in Bax normally associated with induction of apoptosis

Yethon, J.A., Epand, R.F., Leber, B., Epand, R.M. and Andrews, D.W., Interaction with a membrane surface triggers a reversible conformational change in Bax normally associated with induction of apoptosis. (2003) J. Biol. Chem., 278: 48935-48941.

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Site-directed mutagenesis by inverse PCR

Dominy, C.N., Andrews, D.W., Site-directed mutagenesis by inverse PCR. (2003) Methods Mol Bol., 235:209-23.

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The beta-subunit of the SRP receptor is a novel GTP binding protein without intrinsic GTPase activity

Legate, K.R. and Andrews, D.W., The b-subunit of the SRP receptor is a novel GTP binding protein without intrinsic GTPase activity. (2003) J. Biol. Chem., 278: 27712-27720.

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Protein Origami for Beginners

Andrews D.W., Protein Origami for Beginners. (2002) Developmental Cell, 3: 608-610. (Review)

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Assembly strategies and GTPase regulation of the Eukaryotic and E. coli translocon

Legate, K., and Andrews, D.W., Assembly strategies and GTPase regulation of the Eukaryotic and coli translocon. (2001) Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 79: 593-601. (Review)

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Cytoplasmic O-glycosylation prevents cell surface transport of E-Cadherin during apoptosis

Zhu, W., Leber, B., and Andrews, D.W., Cytoplasmic O-glycosylation prevents cell surface transport of E-Cadherin during apoptosis. (2001) EMBO J., 20: 5999-6007.

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