
Auto-activation of the apoptosis protein Bax increases mitochondrial membrane permeability and is inhibited by Bcl-2

Tan, C., Dlugosz, P.J., Peng, J., Zhang, Z., Lapolla, S.M., Andrews, D.W., and Lin, J., Auto-activation of the apoptosis protein Bax increases mitochondrial membrane permeability and is inhibited by Bcl-2. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281:14764-75

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Bcl-2 changes conformation to inhibit Bax oligomerization

Dlugosz, P.J., Billen, L., Annis, M.G., Zhu, W., Zhang, Z., Lin, J., Leber, B. and Andrews, D.W., Bcl-2 changes conformation to inhibit Bax oligomerization. (2006) EMBO J., 25:2287-96

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Bax forms multi-spanning monomers that oligomerize to permeabilize membranes during apoptosis

Annis, M.G., Soucie, E.L., Dlugosz, P.J., Cruz-Aguado, A., Penn, L.Z., Leber, B., and Andrews. D.W., Bax forms multi-spanning monomers that oligomerize to permeabilize membranes during apoptosis. (2005) EMBO J., 24:2096-103.

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Problems with xo-funding in Canada

Tyers, M., Dlugosz, P.J., Andrews, D.W., Bergeron, J.J., Boone, C., et al. Problems with xo-funding in Canada. (2005) Science, 308(5730): 1867.  

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Regulation of Ca2+-induced permeability transition by Bcl-2 is antagonized by Drp1 and hFis1

Kong, D., Xu, L., Hao, H., Zhu W., Andrews, D.W., Yoon, Y., Kuo T.H., Regulation of Ca2+-induced permeability transition by Bcl-2 is antagonized by Drp1 and hFis1. (2004) Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 272:187-199.

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Novel Targeting Signals Mediate the Sorting of Different Isoforms of the Tail-Anchored Membrane Protein Cytochrome b5 to Either Endoplasmic Reticulum or Mitochondria

Hwang, Y.T., Pelitire S., Henderson, M.P.A., Andrews, D.W., Dyer, J.M., and Mullen R.T., Novel Targeting Signals Mediate the Sorting of Different Isoforms of the Tail-Anchored Membrane Protein Cytochrome b5 to Either Endoplasmic Reticulum or Mitochondria. (2004) Plant Cell, 11:3002-3019.

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