
Shedding light on apoptosis at subcellular membranes

Shedding light on apoptosis at subcellular membranes Kale J., Liu Q., Leber B., and Andrews, D.W. (2012). Cell, 151(6):1179-84.

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Interactions of pro-apoptotic BH3 proteins with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins measured in live MCF-7 cells using FLIM FRET

Interactions of pro-apoptotic BH3 proteins with anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins measured in live MCF-7 cells using FLIM FRET Liu Q., Leber B., and Andrews, D.W. (2012). Cell Cycle, 11(19)

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Streak camera crosstalk reduction using a multiple delay optical fiber bundle

Streak camera crosstalk reduction using a multiple delay optical fiber bundle Tsikouras A., Ning J., Ng S., Berman R., Andrews, D.W., and Fang Q. (2012). Opt Lett., 15;37(2):250-2.  

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Differences in the mechanisms of proapoptotic BH3 proteins binding to Bcl-XL and Bcl-2 quantified in live MCF-7 cells

Differences in the mechanisms of proapoptotic BH3 proteins binding to Bcl-XL and Bcl-2 quantified in live MCF-7 cells Aranovich, A., Liu, Q., Collins, T.J., Geng F., Dixit S., Leber B., and Andrews, D.W. (2012). Mol Cell., 45:754-63

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Multiple post-translational modifications regulate E-cadherin transport during apoptosis

Multiple post-translational modifications regulate E-cadherin transport during apoptosis Geng, F., Zhu, W., Anderson, R.A., Leber, B., and Andrews, D.W. (2012). J Cell Sci., 125:2615-25.  

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Mitochondrial Hexokinase II (HKII) and phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes (PEA15) form a molecular switch governing cellular fate depending on the metabolic state

Mitochondrial Hexokinase II (HKII) and phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes (PEA15) form a molecular switch governing cellular fate depending on the metabolic state Mergenthaler, P.*, Kahl, A., Kamitz, A., van Laak, V., Stohlmann, K., Thomsen, S., Neeb, L., Freyer, D., Megow, D., Collins, T., Priller, J., Dirnagl, U., Andrews, D.W.*, and Meisel, A. *Corresponding authors. (Top story in Neural Cell News, Aug. 2012) (2012). PNAS 109(5):1518-1523

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